Saturday, September 20, 2008

mccain is getting desperate

so now mccain is trying to say that, even though his central campaign issue was obama's lack of washington experience, that the failing economy is because of what obama has done in washington. please. mccain was there for 26 years and sponsored/wrote/backed tons of legislation that deregulated and removed transparency from wall street. but, its obama's fault. also, he needs to stop bitching about the former ceo's or freddie and fannie advising obama. mccain knows full well that Franklin Raines is not an advisor to obama and james johnson, who headed the vp search committee, left fannie mae in 1998 long before this mess started. so, laying blame of fannie's screw up with sub-primes, etc. is a conscious lie on mccain's part. but it is looking like that will be his tenor for the next 45 days.

an article today on msnbc's web page about lingering racism possibly having a negative effect on his chances. really, no kidding. lingering racism in the u.s.? how about rampant racism. i'm a white guy so i don't experience it, but i see it. not liking, fearing, or lessening the value of a person based on their color, sex or anything else is, to me, the ultimate sign of laziness and stupidity. every person i meet starts off with the same level of respect. then, that person either looses that respect though their actions, or gains more respect through their actions. the point is, it is that person who decides their own fate. the people who won't vote for obama are afraid that it will turn into a black house, etc., are lazy and utterly misguided. they also fear someone who they hate that is smarter than them. granted, most people are smarter than racists.

good day

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